Photo by Martin Lopez from Pexels
I saw a post yesterday (I feel like I'm always seeing posts) and it reminded me of myself, of who I used to be. It took me back to a place that I used to be in, a place where I was always so quick to talk about the things that I wanted to do, to talk about the person that I wanted to be. Conversations like,
“This is how I am. This is what I am going to do. This is what I want to have.”
You know, the aspirational stuff.
As that thought was crossing my mind, I remembered the viral commencement video that Beyonce made last year for the class of 2020, (which technically I was a part of, but you know, we're still here). The part where she said,
“Don't talk about what you're gonna do. Don't just dream about what you're gonna do. Don't criticize somebody else for what they are not doing. You be about it, be about the action.”
I was reminded that talking about what you want to do is sometimes a form of validation. The minute we tell somebody else that we are going to do something,
we get the gratification of actually doing that thing. We trick our subconscious into believing that we don't have to do it anymore. Because we told somebody we're gonna do it and got glorified for the intention, now we feel like we are already in that space of achievement.
As Beyonce said, be about it. Don’t sleep on yourself. Be about the action today. Don't just talk out what you want to do. Don't just dream about it. Don't just post about it online. Whatever it is you want to do, just take action today. Prove to yourself that you can do this.
#NowReading: How to receive gracefully
Personally, I think receiving anything is one of the hardest things, lol. it is super easy to be generous and give of yourself, but so many of us don’t know how to act when we are on the receiving end. This article in Thrive Global will help you avoid all the potential awkwardness.
#NowWatching: The Deep Meaning of Yin and Yang
Although it originated as Chinese culture, the concept of Yin and yang has become one of those oversubscribed urban myths; nobody is really sure what it means anymore but we are all into it. If you have been confused (or curious), this video will help you out.
#NowPlaying: Story by WurlD
WurlD is one of those artists that I truly believe can make anything sound good. Not to mention, he is always working totally dope producers who really know how to make the sound come together like a well-oiled machine. STORY is one of my favorite songs from his 2020 EP ‘AfroSoul’.
A Penny For Your Thoughts?
What are you NOT doing today? What is the smallest action you can take towards your goals?
Wishlist: ‘I want to learn to play the piano’ gang
We have all been there. Maybe we are there right now. In the spirit of expanding your skillset, you want to learn to play a musical instrument, specifically the piano. but, like..how? Well, look what I found on Instagram: Lumi (Thanks Mark!)
According to their site, Lumi is “the all in one system that makes piano learning fun”. They have a custom keyboard, a follow-along app, AND a vast library of songs you can practice. I’m into that.
PS. Subscribe to #NowLoving to receive my daily part-journal part-curation of things that remind you to slow down and love the now.